Emerging Democracies
One of the positive benefits of "Globalization" has been to bring more wealth and power to the masses
even in countries where political power had been exercised by the military or the wealthy few
Have had the first elections after the removal of the dictator
Dictator has been removed
now the struggle to place the military under elected government control
Brasilia, capital of Brazil
Several elections have created a President representing the mass of people
along the ORINOCO river
The President of the masses has first resisted a military takeover
and recently an unconstitutional power grab by the former moneyed ruling class
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, (1881-1938)
founder of modern Turkey
The U.S. has been insisting on more Democracy
New elections have provided a popular President which has so far been able to
not only stand up to the military, but also the U.S.
Lets support Democracy all around the World!
Even when it has an independent mind!
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