Brothers of Marlene Roeseler

Galen and Marlene Louis Corners. Lutheran Church 1996 Photos - Galen Early Photos - Galen Young Galen My History

Sisters of Galen Galen Photos Family Photos The Frysinger's My Photos Smoke  -  Dog of Galen Galen as Scientist Memories of Christmas Houses where Galen lived Frysinger family Brothers of Marlene Roeseler Boy Scout - Galen B&W Family Photos Juniata College 60th Reunion, Lower Paxton Children of Galen my Mother my Father

Marlene and Marlene's Relatives.


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Christmas 1996


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With my brother, Allen, at the state capital, Madison, Wisconsin, Christmas 1996.


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With my nephew, Craig, his wife and their son Zak.


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Christmas 1996


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Christmas 1996


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Marlene and Zak, Christmas 1996


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Allen and Zak, Christmas 1996 

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