State House in Springfield
Rural Illinois
converted storage silo
harvesting soybeans
harvesting corn
transferring the corn from the field truck to the truck going to the grain facility
grain facility
adding the new corn to the left outside covered storage bin
"stump" grave markers
More Photos of the "Stump" grave markers
Galena, Illinois
Galena, Illinois
U.S. Grant
Grant had started working in his brothers' leather shop in Galena, Illinois, when the Confederate States of America, or Confederacy, seceded from the federal Union and the Civil War broke out. Loyal to the Union, Grant applied to serve as an officer when a call for troops went out in Illinois.Grant mustered in a volunteer Galena regiment and took it to the state capital, Springfield. There he took charge of mustering several more regiments and came to the attention of the governor, Richard Yates. In June 1861 Yates appointed Grant colonel of the rebellious 21st Illinois volunteer regiment. Grant soon taught the unruly men military discipline and led them against pro-Confederate guerrillas in Missouri. Because of his demonstrated leadership ability, Grant was then made brigadier general in command of the volunteers district at Cairo, Illinois.
his home in Galena
vintage Post Office at Halloween
The Traveler at his name sake town
(note the gate in the flood levee)
older home
on the hill
being restored
LaSalle is the
southwestern terminus of the I & M Canal
meeting steamers coming up the Illinois River
water tower disguised as a Catsup bottle, Collinsville
passing home of Popeye on a rainy day, Chester