Architecture of Philadelphia
modern building
bank building with a bell
as seen from the older town
with bay windows
stone faced banks
ornate higher stories
iron grills
corner clock at Ninth and Chestnut
mural near City Hall
detail of the mural
old town mural
to Black culture
Fabric row
the Eagle at Macy's
Federal buildings with the Eagle
United States Court House
United States Mint
massive stone buildings
or earlier brick
can all be seen in a Duck tour
Those who it honors
commemorating Lincoln's visit
and the first photograph
the Bourse
a welcome to a theater on Chestnut street
special exhibition at the
Philadelphia Museum of Art
(buy your space so that you have a place to park in Old Town)
salute to religious liberty
Society Hill Synagogue
Jewish Memorial
parkway art
Benjamin Franklin bridge
to New Jersey