Orthodox church in Alma-Ata, the capital of Kazakhistan.
Zenkov cathedral in 2001
(city now called Almaty)
its interior
New Monument since Independence in 1991
to Independence
(erected in 1996)
statue detail
historical figure
bas-relief of old history
and newer history
the 28 soldiers of Almaty
who died fighting Nazi tanks near Moscow in 1941
flame for those killed in the
Civil War (1917-20) and the great Patriotic War (1941-45)
Photos of Kazakh Traditional Musical Group
Other 1963 Photos
Opera House in Alma-Ata
Children gathering spring flowers
a school
Teacher in front of new housing.
Mountains separating Kazakhistan and China.
Gathering Wild Poppies on Red Army Day.
Photos of a Trip to the Country taken in 1963
Zailiysky Alatau separating Kazakhstan from Kyrgyzstan
Charyn Canyon near the Kyrgyzstan border
Other Countries in Asia
The continent of Asia extends from the Middle East to the Pacific ocean. It has many exotic peoples and cultures, and is a delight to the adventurous traveler. Click on these countries to see some of the photos I have taken over the last 25 years.