Midway Atoll
The Wildlife Refuge
populous seasonal resident is the
Laysan albatross (white gooney)
Remains of
one of the buildings of the
Commercial Pacific Cable Company
(cable opened from San Francisco to Manila in 1903)
all water comes from a catchment's basin and is stored in these tanks
and after purification is held in this island landmark
Remnants of World War II
one of the first buildings hit during the Dec. 7, 1941 attack
site of
the Radar station
(operating in 1941-42)
storage bunker
albatross chick next to the ceramic vent cap on top of the bunker
a gun emplacement to defend the island
one of the guns that was used in these emplacements
a pill box on the beach
former ship offloading dock
seaplane hanger which was partly destroyed in
1941 and 1942 by Japanese attacks
interesting sign inside hanger
Other Pacific Islands
In the Pacific are
many islands with very diverse peoples and cultures.
Many have been
largely untouched by Western civilization.
To visit these is a unique
The Indonesian Island of Komodo
The Indonesian Islands of MOLUKA
The Indonesian Island of Selayar
The Indonesian Island of Sulawesi
The Indonesian Island of Sumatra