Welcome to Palau
the rock
(coral uplift islands cut back by ocean to look like mushroom)
Koror is one of the 16 States in this country of 17.000 people
30 member national assembly
Supreme Court
tax on tourists at the airport (Palau country Tax)
State government
(Peace sign is indicative of their continued insistence that the country be free
of nuclear weapons, thus vexing the U.S.)
and for conservation (Koror state Tax)
a native
betel nut available at the local gas station convenience store
much of
the beauty of these islands is under the surface of these waters
(a very special place for snorkelers and divers)
Photos from State of Airai, Palau
Other Pacific Islands
In the Pacific are
many islands with very diverse peoples and cultures.
Many have been
largely untouched by Western civilization.
To visit these is a unique
The Indonesian Island of Komodo
The Indonesian Islands of MOLUKA
The Indonesian Island of Selayar
The Indonesian Island of Sulawesi
The Indonesian Island of Sumatra